What is a Detox and is it needed?

What is a Detox & do you need one?

We are increasingly exposed to toxic compounds in the air, water, body products, medications/drugs and most importantly the food we consume. Toxins are now thought to be the primary drivers of disease globally, with increases in occurrences of conditions such as diabetes, various cancers, ADHD and Alzheimers to name a few.

When toxic metabolites accumulate, our detoxification system becomes overloaded and we then can’t tolerate additional chemicals, even if they are not normally that toxic to us.

Overburden can manifest in many ways-

  • Headaches

  • Inflammatory conditions

  • Skin conditions (acne, boils, psoriasis)

  • Cognitive issues, such as brain fog, memory, focus etc

  • Mental health issues- Anxiety, Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Diabetes, blood sugar dysregulation & Obesity

  • Autoimmune conditions

  • Infertility

  • Cancers

  • Joint conditions

Undergoing a detox is a way to lighten the load and reduce the impact daily toxins have on the body. A detox performed right should help the body’s natural detoxification mechanisms to breakdown and then eliminate these harmful substances. So the short answer is Yes, however it should be done alongside a health professional so more damage is not done.

The body eliminates toxins either by directly killing them or by excreting them via the urine and faeces (also some via lungs and skin). Toxins that the body is unable to eliminate build up in the tissues, typically in our fat stores, and accumulate to cause health issues.

The liver is the main organ of detoxification and is the body’s primary filtration system, converting toxins to waste products, cleansing your blood, synthesising and secreting bile to excrete fat-soluble toxins and metabolising nutrients and medications. It’s so vital to keep this very important organ health and unburdened.

There are varying types of detoxes, the level of toxicity and accompanying health issues, should also be a factor when considering which protocol to undergo.

It’s also important for the body to be able to cope with the release of the toxins into the body and that these substances are thoroughly eliminated (via bladder & bowels), instead of being recirculated in the body and causing more harm. The body needs to be supported before deciding to undergo a detox, without this side -effects are greatly increased.

Please contact me if you would like to know more about how to undergo a safe and effective detox protocol.


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